Monday, November 23, 2009

A Recipe for Fun!

My friend Amy and I have known each other since before our children were born. Our eldest children used to have playdates while they were still in diapers. Although we had managed to visit each other through the years none of our kids had seen each other for more than 7 years. But on Saturday Amy and her wild things came to our house.
My middle son Matt cleaned out a pumpkin early that morning and roasted the pieces in the oven.

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When our friends came over that afternoon the house had an interesting aroma of roasted pumpkin and pizza! We all ate some pizza and the teen girls started playing with Luca.
At first he was shy! But soon he realized that playing with two teen girls wasn't so bad, and he could be the center of attention.

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We soon headed to a park very near our house where the shenannigans began.

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Some of them thought they were mountain goats.

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"Come on girl, you can make it!"

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There was some posing.

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...and more posing.

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And in the end, it was the biggest and coolest wild things that remained on the top of the mountain.

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Then it was time to say good bye to the playground.

And I commenced with the cooking bootcamp! Well why not? I love getting kids in the kitchen with me, and everyone enjoyed a turn. We took the pumpkin that M had roasted and scooped out the pulp away from the peel, and then pureed it. To that we added a few eggs, some ricotta cheese, nutmeg, salt and parmesan to make a filling for tortellini. We made the pasta ...

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These girls said they felt like an Italian grandma!

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And everyone got the chance to fill and shape by hand the tortellini.

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We boiled our tortellini which by the way wanted to stay stuck together all in one lump. Luckily for us the water separated the tortellini and it turned out nicely. We served it very simply, with butter and fresh sage and a sprinkle of parmesan for those who wanted it.

The next morning, we made homemade crepes, filled with Nutella, bananas, blueberries, and strawberries, and as much whipped cream as anyone wanted...

Little Luca said it was very good!

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Chocolate Encrusted Toes (No, Really)!

My youngest wild thing doesn't really like sweet things, at least anything sweeter than natural fruit. At least that's what I have always thought. Imagine my surprise then when I walked into the dining room and saw this!

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Apparently, if you hunt sweet things down all by yourself, open the box, and open the individual packet- then sweet things taste great!

Also? If you then take your toes and dip them in the powdered chocolate, then lick them, and repeat- it tastes even better!

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This is my reality. Help?

Have a beautiful week end my friends!


Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday Photo - At Play

boys and knights and dragons

Several years ago my eldest two used to do this. They played! Now they still play but it is different, not spontaneous playing with knights and dragons and each other, but games on the computer or x box. So, all you mammas out there who have children, snap pictures of them playing. The time slips away faster than anyone can imagine.

knights and dragons

Look at his face! He is lit up from inside with imagination! I already miss this.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday Photo - Toga Toddler

May and June 046

I really should give up and make him a toga to wear, since he does this with all his clothes. Although this photo is actually several months old, this little wild thing is doing the same thing right now, left arm free of clothing while eating a snack. I can't figure it out, I will put his left arm back in the sleeve many many times a day. But the next time I see him, his left arm will be free again. Never his right arm. Why do kids do these things? I hope he will stay more dressed soon since winter is creeping up on us.

If he grows up to be a fashion designer, you already know what his special look will be!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Insalata con Melagrana - Pomegranate Salad

Detail from Madonna of the Pomegranate, by Sandro Botticelli ca. 1487 (Uffizi Gallery, Florence Italy)

Yes, that's me alright, just give me the chance to slip in an image by a famous Italian artist of a chubby beautiful baby! I'm not one to let that opportunity pass me by.

Are pomegranates lining the bins at your supermarket? They are in the stores near me! After trying this simple and scrumptious salad, I plan to have it again at least once a week while the pomegranates are in season.

Pomegranate Salad

All you need are:
Salad greens
one pomegranate
extra virgin olive oil
balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup of walnuts or pecans

Wash salad greens. Plate four salads, divide the arils (seed casings) of the pomegranate among the salads, add coarsely chopped pecans or walnuts to the salads and garnish with a drizzle each of extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Add salt to taste. Serves 4.

Buon appetito!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Today is my day!

Italia summer 2004 649

Yes, I am another year older, and I say "Keep 'em coming!"

Who cares about getting older, right? Birthdays are the perfect way to celebrate all the things we have to be grateful for.

I am grateful for my kids,and my family and friends.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Foreskin Dilemma

To be or not to be- circumcised, that is.

I have given birth to three babies, all boys. So I have made this choice three times already. Circumcision seems like it should be such a small matter, but I now realize it has the capacity to divide people. Strong feelings emerge whenever the subject comes up. With that being said, my purpose in sharing this is not to stir up a controversy, but simply to share a little of what my family has been going through in these past few weeks that I have abandoned my blog, which I still like, but as you see, my energy has been elsewhere!

I would never think to criticize another for their choice about circumcision, even if they chose the opposite of me. What I don't like is when a doctor, for his cultural reasons, tries to impose his choice upon me.

Three times after my babies were born I chose not to circumcise. The reasons were varied- such as believing that they were already perfect, so why change anything surgically and not wanting them to suffer any pain, and finally because my faith doesn't require it.

Last May our youngest son got a sudden infection of his penis. M and I had no previous experience with anything like that, and we took our baby to the local Emergency Room. The physician who saw us immediately told us our son would have to be circumcised, but he brought in a specialist, an urologist to consult. The urologist told us a circumcision definitely wasn't necessary or even helpful. Antibiotics were prescribed, and our son quickly recovered. We were happy to keep our son intact and quickly tried to put the experience behind us.

But, nearly three weeks ago our youngest got another infection. We quickly brought him to the pediatrician. Oh it has been such a learning experience! Our pediatrician told us that our son had "Phimosis" and should be circumcised. Not knowing what phimosis was, we started considering circumcision because of course we want what is best for our son, and we realize the doctors are experts, not us. So we made an appointment to see a specialist in October, an urologist who can do the surgery if necessary.

Meanwhile our son quickly recovered again with antibiotics. M and I started looking for answers to questions such as "What is phimosis, and why must you circumcise because of it?"
We have learned that phimosis simply means a foreskin doesn't retract.

In a Statement from the British Association of Paediatric Urologists on behalf of the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons and the Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists, they have this to say about the foreskin: "The Natural History of the Foreskin: There is developmental variability in the appearance of the normal foreskin throughout childhood and puberty. The inner foreskin is attached to the glans. Foreskin adhesions break down and form smegma pearls- white cysts under the foreskin which are then extruded. The foreskin does not retract before the age of 2 years. (This was interesting to us because our youngest is still under the age of two years.) The process of retractility is spontaneous and does not require manipulation. The majority of boys will have a retractile foreskin by 10 years of age, and 95% by 16- 17 years of age."

At our next well baby visit a week later with our pediatrician, I told him what my husband and I had learned about phimosis. He then told us our son had phimosis- with balanitis. He also said that normally he allows parents to make the choice about circumcision, but he wouldn't in our case as he felt that circumcision was the only course of action. This led me to wonder what he would do if we told him we would not consent to have our son circumcised, but I said nothing, and wrote down the new word, balanitis, to be able to learn more about later.

I went back to the statement from the British Association of Paediatric Urologists etc. and this is what is says about Balanitis: "Balanitis refers to inflammation of the glans that often spreads along the shaft and may occur in the circumcised population. Treatment: Simple bathing, topical steroids, and antibiotics."

Hmmm. It seems our pediatrician wants us to circumcise our son to manage his phimosis which at his age is completely normal, and he wants to circumcise because of the balanitis which is the inflammation caused by the infection that was in our sons' case, cured by the antibiotics. If this balanitis also occurs in circumcised people, then I wonder, how does circumcising our son help him?

It is hard, because we have to wait for our appointment in October to speak with an urologist. M is horrified by our pediatrician's insistence upon circumcision for our son when the reasons he gives aren't valid. M has told me many times that this type of infection must be managed very differently in Italy, because there circumcision is rare.

I contacted "Doctors Opposing Circumcision" and they have been a terrific source of information, and support. They are trying to help us find a "foreskin friendly" doctor here in Reno, and they have helped clear up a lot of the questions I have had. One of the physicians that has so kindly taken the time to correspond with me has told me "the diagnosis of phimosis in a patient of your son's age is NOT tenable since his foreskin has not retracted. Phimosis is a non-diagnosis in this case." Their lawyer has also written to us letting us know that "balanitis is only cause for a change in hygiene or a need for antibiotics, same as for a female". He also said "recurrent penile infections, just like colds and sniffles, are common in boys, intact or not. In the old days people paid so little attention these passed (cured themselves and ran their course) before they were noticed." He also advised "Stand your ground, Do Not sign any surgical consents at all." and he wanted us to know that he would be happy to defend us and our son's rights if it should become necessary.

We are still trying to find a new pediatrician that would treat any future infections our son may get, conservatively. Of course it can't happen quickly enough for me, and I find myself impatient. I wish I knew how one of my sons got these two infections when the other two boys (also uncircumcised) have never had anything like it.

How quickly I fell, from being a very confident mom, full of the wisdom 14 years of parenting have given to me, to feeling completely overwhelmed and grasping for answers. Parenting certainly isn't for the faint hearted.

Edited to add:
An American urologist speaks up on the importance of keeping boys intact.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday Photo - A Tale of Due Cuccioli (two puppies)

The first puppy said: "I want to go outside for a walk!"

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The second puppy said "What can you see way up there? Move over!"

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And he climbed and he clambered until he made it to the top.

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When he saw the view he agreed with the first puppy that a walk outside was indeed a good idea.

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Happy week end my friends!
May you have fun walks with your cuccioli and wild things!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday Photo - I Wanna Hold Your Hand

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I admit it. I am a softy! I love it when my baby falls asleep while holding my hand. Head on my shoulder with a fierce grip on my thumb- that's the way he likes it.

Edited to add:

Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
The baby has just done something so gross it defies logic. Something so gross that I may need therapy. Forget therapy for him, I need it.
It involves an innocent wading pool.
It involves an innocent toddler.
And ultimately it involves re-hydrated doggy doo.
Trying not to gag very much here, I am going to focus on the above photo and remind myself how lovable and cute and sweet my baby is.
Ugh. Sigh.
Please tell me there are other mothers out there who have gross stories to tell and have lived to tell them...
besides my own mother who has the story of the baby who ate a green moth.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday Photo - Magnificent Skies of the Oregon Outback

If a little is good, more is better. That is my thinking here in posting more than one photo today. Actually the truth is, I couldn't choose just one.

Here is the silhouette of Fort Rock state park as seen right off the deck at my mother's house.
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The rest of these were taken of the same stormy evening sky, but I was going for cloud drama, leaving out any terra firma.
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The golden light was surreal, covering everything in an orangish - gold glow. Beautiful on skin, but I was most interested in capturing the clouds themselves.
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Now when I see these photos which have been un-edited except to add my copyright, I can say if anything the colors were even more vibrant in real life.
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Number 1,2, 3 or 4- which is your favorite and why? Do these photos feel dreamy, eerie, or awesome?


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Flat Belly Blues

If you're a mamma, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. If you haven't been a mamma yet, go ahead and give your flat little belly a tender caress. I'll wait. And if you're a mamma with tight abs due to thousands of crunches- I salute you!

It goes like this. I'll be innocently minding my own business, reading or catching up on e mails or some such innocuous activity. Then my baby will climb up on my lap. He'll start to laugh and giggle even before he lifts my shirt. Luckily he only does this with me. Can you imagine what Grandma would say if he lifted her shirt? Or even worse, the kind lady stranger sitting next to us in the church pew? What would I say? Somehow I don't think "Pardon ma'am, the baby likes to tickle." would quite do it.

Remember when you were a kid and played with jell-o while singing "watch it wiggle, see it jiggle!?" Well that's my baby when he gets a hold of my belly fat.

They say dressing room mirrors can make you feel fat. I say, just try looking at your tummy while itty bitty baby hands are playing with your Special K inch.  If that isn't diet inspiration, I don't know what is.

Sometimes he thinks he is tickling me and he laughs outrageously while gouging my bellybutton with his strong little fingers.

The only consolation is that after a tickle-fest, he will lovingly pat my tummy and with a sweet smile on his face he will say "Niiiiice." My baby loves me, jiggle and all.

And then it is his turn, and I tickle his rock solid baby abs.

Monday, August 17, 2009


We just spent three weeks in sunny Central Oregon, at my parents' homestead. Instead of being restful and peaceful the days were filled with activities. So much has been going on that now we are home again it feels like a vacation from our vacation. I really love my pillow. One of my projects was a really Big Project, which I will be sharing with you soon.

A moment of ordinary splendor: My little Wild Thing met these beauties.
August 2009 026

His favorite animal is the horse, pronounced " 'Ose" as in garden "hose" but without the "h." The "Ose" is the first animal word he said followed by "Detta" which means dog in his baby language. It stands to reason since our dogs' name is Delta.

It is easy to pat such a giant head when you are being held by your big tough twelve year old brother!
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He learned to pick grass for these big lovely creatures. (As if they needed help with that)! August 2009 022

But two giant heads coming to sniff you at once is -well it's downright intimidating. Darn tootin'!August 2009 007

But the thing about horses is that they have a sort of magnetic pull. They're mesmerizing. He couldn't resist the siren call.August 2009 029

Hopefully it is the start of a beautiful relationship.August 2009 019

Happy trails to you and yours!August 2009 028

Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday Photo


At the time I took this photo of my boys, they were ages 12 years, 10 years, and just over 2 months. I had no idea this would become one of my all time favorite photos of them.

So, do you like unusual "portraits"?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Faux Lasagne!

What do you do if you have a lot of zucchini in the refrigerator and have been craving lasagne, but are on a certain kind of diet that restricts pasta and such carbs? You get creative! And you whip up the worlds' best Lasagne di Zucchini ever.

I am sorry folks, this isn't an Authentic Italian recipe, handed down through the generations for hundreds of years. But if I do say so myself, I have a pretty good idea of what makes lasagne great (especially after learning my Italian mom in law's recipe) and all the flavor you could ever want is in this recipe.

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One can or jar of tomato sauce (can be spaghetti sauce)

about a pound of ground meat of your choice: turkey, beef, pork- you name it.

about a cup and 1/2 of shredded cheese (mozarella is great but I used what I had- a mixture of colby and jack)

about a cup of parmesan or pecorino to be grated for the top layer

five or six medium zucchini

an onion

granulated or fresh garlic




If I were making a traditional lasagne I would also make a besciamella sauce, but I'm not, so I won 't. :)

Ready to cook up some jaw-dropping good faux lasagne?
Okay then. Let's get to it.
Slice your zucchini lengthwise, like so:
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Take your gorgeous green zucchini slices and fry 'em up in a pan- using olive oil on moderate heat. It is very important to cook some of the water that is naturally in the zucchini slices, or else the lasagne will be soggy.
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Keep frying batches until they are all done. Meanwhile slice and dice your onion:
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After all your zucchini has nice little golden edges, remove from pan. Add the onion (you may need to add a little more olive oil) and saute over moderate heat in the same frying pan used for the zucchini. Saute until the onions are slightly golden on edges and becoming mostly translucent.
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Add to the onions once they are just right, your ground meat (turkey, beef, pork- whatever you fancy). For the vegetarians out there, you could add tofu, or tempeh or any other ground meat substitute.
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When the meat is no longer pink and all juices are clear add the spices:
First a whisper of salt:
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a sprinkle of sage:
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a generous shake of nutmeg:
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as much garlic as you like:
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and finally the tomato sauce:
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Mix everything well, and then it is time to ladle some into the casserole dish, like so:
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Spread mixture:
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Now the fun starts! Layer on the zucchini strips -the faux lasagne pasta.
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Now sprinkle on some cheese:
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Continue making layers of meat-tomato sauce then zucchini and cheese until all zucchini is gone.
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Whooooooee! Look at all that zucchini.
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Grate up some parmesan or pecorino cheese for the topping.
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I love cheese! Don't you just love cheese?
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Lay it on the zucchini, baby!
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Cover casserole dish with foil and place in a preheated oven at 350 F for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes remove foil and leave casserole in oven for 20 more minutes. When it's done, it should look bubbly and delicious like this:
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I know it's good. My toddler says so. Not only did he have fun flinging the faux lasagne,
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but he also managed to get some in his mouth.
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Yum. Buon Appetito!
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