Tuesday, July 7, 2009

These Eyes Should Be Illegal

july2009 003

It's true, and I'll tell you why. This is my nephew, and he has these big blue eyes that make me feel funny. See when he looks at me like that, I have to pick him up. What happens next is that I feel his sweet baby pudge and inhale the fragrance of his fine blond hair, as he settles himself in for a cuddle.

Then I turn to a pile of jabbering and cooing mush.

This little wild thing has Power I tell ya! And it starts with his eyes.
While I am kissing his cheeks and playing with his toes, my uterus tries to convince me that I want another one of these creatures. The semi coherent part of me says No! That would be crazy! I have more than my share of children. Remember the hundreds of sleepless nights, the endless pre-natal visits, the great adventure of childbirth! Remember that these sweet cuddly wild things also cry, sometimes at great length and for no apparent reason.

All of that is very true, but I am weak! Look at those eyes. It's a sickness, and I need help. Somebody please remind me how nice life is with children who are growing up, and without an infant in your arms day and night. Those big blue eyes have me under a spell. Help. Hello?


  1. Oh, I'm not able to convince you. Soooo not able to do that. I just looked into his eyes and now must go eat brownies to soothe my reproductive time bomb. I have 2 and I swear I need more...but the sleep...oh the sleep. Good luck on that whole not getting knocked up thing. I'm sorry I could not provide the necessary intervention. We addicts seem to run in packs.

  2. Glamorous~ Please save some brownies for me! :)

  3. Ciao Amber!

    Your profile had me at "Italy." And then I read you have an Italian husband! Holy - ! And you like to cook!

    Let me comment on the baby thing. Speaking from experience, -lots of it - The time is short. It rockets past and they are grown. You'll catch up on your sleep and they'll stop crying (and start whining for a later curfew). I had the baby lust for years and thought it would never go away. I wondered why other people didn't have it like me. But then one day it was gone and I knew, just knew our family was complete. Everyone was here. Now I can cuddle other babies and my grandbaby and not long for one of my own.

    That feeling of completion and absence of baby lust didn't go away until after baby #7. Yes, I only have seven. :-D

    And I get plenty of sleep now.

  4. Didn't that facebook quiz say you were supposed to have six?

  5. Looks to me like another Matthew McConaughey in the future. Illegal!!

  6. Clayvessel~ I think seven kids is amazing! My grandma had ten, and from what I've seen- big families really do have lots of fun together. One big advantage is the kids always have somebody to play with. After 7 kids, your sleep is well-deserved I'm sure! :)

    KC~ Yep it said six! Maybe I could have considered that if I hadn't taken a ten year break before L came along!

    Rowena~ He is so handsome, isn't he? I looove my nephew!

  7. I won't be doing any convincing-- I have that fever, too! Especially after seeing that picture! Do you think he'd come stay at my house?

  8. Rosie_Kate~ I think he would come stay at your house! He's always up for an adventure. :)
