Thursday, July 9, 2009


I'm not playing favorites. My two eldest wild things- the tween and the teen aren't any less cute or funny than the baby. But as you've seen, I blog way more about the toddler than I do of his elder brothers.

Blogging about elder children can be complicated. I have to walk a fine line between showing off their fun-spirited and wild hooligan selves, and maintaining privacy for them; something that even if they haven't thought about it yet, I have.

The last thing I would ever want to hear from them is "Mom, you embarassed me!"

But today I am going to talk about my eldest son, and I don't think this is anything that ever could embarass him. I hope.

These photos were taken of my eldest and youngest sons a little over a year ago. They are among my favorites because of the cute factor. Not many moms wouldn't be thrilled to walk in the back yard and find their eldest son rocking the baby to sleep with such obvious enjoyment.
See what I mean?

June19 005

I love his smile here:

June19 004

But his natural affinity with his baby brother isn't what I want to talk about. It is his heart. His wide open, sweet natured heart. This boy constantly surprises even me, the mother who thinks highly of him and expects great things of him.

Teen Wild Thing- I think I love you!


  1. What a kind and generous soul! (Sounds like he has a great mother.)

  2. You've captured that sweet sibling affection so well in these photos. The boys have grown so much within a year!

  3. What a fantastic thing to do! The pictures are great too - you can really see how much he catrs for his little brother

  4. Thanks KC! He is a love.

    Rowena that sweet sibling affection was a wonderful thing to see, once the wee one was born. They are much more nurturing than I could have imagined.

    I think it is a fantastic thing to do too Mary! He makes me proud.

    Yes Gabe, I'm talking about you! You're the best!

  5. What a sweet boy you have there! How proud you must be.

  6. I chanced upon your nice! Thanks!

  7. Thank you Mo, I am so proud of him.

    IowaCowgirl~ Welcome! And thank you.
