I admit it. I am a softy! I love it when my baby falls asleep while holding my hand. Head on my shoulder with a fierce grip on my thumb- that's the way he likes it.
Edited to add:
Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
The baby has just done something so gross it defies logic. Something so gross that I may need therapy. Forget therapy for him, I need it.
It involves an innocent wading pool.
It involves an innocent toddler.
And ultimately it involves re-hydrated doggy doo.
Trying not to gag very much here, I am going to focus on the above photo and remind myself how lovable and cute and sweet my baby is.
Ugh. Sigh.
Please tell me there are other mothers out there who have gross stories to tell and have lived to tell them...
besides my own mother who has the story of the baby who ate a green moth.
My brother used to eat spiders if that makes you feel better--just plucked them off the walls as he sat back before he could walk.
ReplyDeleteNo one could ever be quick enough to stop him.
He's always been a little unique. Though my kids think he's the greatest :)
My sisters boys spread poop all over their bedroom walls once when they were supposed to be napping... Does that count?
ReplyDeleteAnd once my dd was playing with a lady bug, the bug was gone, but we saw the wings on her tongue...
Once when we had a chinchilla, we were feeding it raisins and the neighbor boy (2) came over to see it. He found a poopy bit on the floor, thinking it was a raisin, tried to feed it to the chinchilla with no success.
The kids pooping in the bathtub and the screams that ensued...
hmmm. I'm sure I'll think of more. Yes, there are grosser stories out there...
Love the picture as always Amber.
ReplyDeleteDon't fret, as a nurse I field phone calls frequently from anxious parents whose small children have recently ingested a variety of things including very often........ animal poop of various kinds!
Actually, to be precise, the moth was not green, the innards that were dripping out of the baby's mouth as he was gagging, were green. It's still one of my worst moments as a Mom. Ugh! Poor Amber...:)
ReplyDeleteLove the picture... and I cannot imagine that precious angel re-hydrating any dog poo...
ReplyDeleteI love this post; I'm not a mom, but I can imagine that it pretty much captures motherhood in all its glory ;)
ReplyDeletehaha! my son was a poo graffiti kind of artist...always when he was supposed to be taking naps....I once had to pull a piece of orange peel from my oldests nose...it took an hour of digging...I think we all have "THE" story that makes us do a goose bump dance=D
ReplyDeleteThere have been several instances when we were pooper-scoopering the front yard with bags over our hands that Abby "helped" sans bag.
I am staying away from the poop stories for fear that it will dredge up old nightmares! I will, however, share one tidbit about my then young son. He once put a fat dog tick in his mouth and started to chew (he had only 2 front teeth then). My sister caught him, although not in the nick of time, and probably gouged his mouth getting that tick out! A good thing it was still intact!
ReplyDeleteI love the photo!
ReplyDeleteI once caught Pata chomping on a dead bee. My little sister did some poo graffiti once.
Hahahaaa....Love the post!hughugs
ReplyDeleteOh you guys! Reading through these comments has been cathartic for me. I laughed. I could have cried. No one would have faulted me since there was so much subject matter made up of poo and bugs and children. But I feel better now. Not because this happened to other mothers exactly, but because I am not ALONE!
Scribbit~ Spiders, really?! Ugh. Ew. Words can't express my dismay. What a great story you have about your brother! He sounds like a character. By the way, welcome to my blog, and thanks for commenting.
McVal I don't even know what to say! So many stories, thanks for the laugh! Oh my.
Mo~ your comment did make me feel better, but you know, all day long I was wondering whether I needed to call the pediatrician.
Mom~ The green moth innards are like imprinted on my mind. I can see my baby brother with that mouthful, as if it were a photograph. Ew.
Dandy~ This precious angel is oh so capable of incredible mischief!
Michelle~ I am happy to have shared my -er, Glory! :-)
Jana~ That's so funny and so awful!
Kelsi~ Oh no! Ew indeed. :-)
Rowena~ Your tick story is still giving me the heeby jeebies! Ack! Hee hee!
KC~ I would have been spazzed out looking for the stinger!
Donna~ Hugs to you too, and thanks! :-)