Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday Photo - A Tale of Due Cuccioli (two puppies)

The first puppy said: "I want to go outside for a walk!"

August 2009 120

The second puppy said "What can you see way up there? Move over!"

August 2009 122

And he climbed and he clambered until he made it to the top.

August 2009 126

When he saw the view he agreed with the first puppy that a walk outside was indeed a good idea.

August 2009 127

Happy week end my friends!
May you have fun walks with your cuccioli and wild things!


  1. Awwwww...those two are the cutest! It put a smile on my face.

  2. He's getting so big! Very cute pics :-)

  3. Gail(Mom) They certainly are very cute together!
    McVal Thank you! :)
    Piccola, Grazie mille, and yes he is getting so big. Too quickly.
