Sunday, October 18, 2009

Today is my day!

Italia summer 2004 649

Yes, I am another year older, and I say "Keep 'em coming!"

Who cares about getting older, right? Birthdays are the perfect way to celebrate all the things we have to be grateful for.

I am grateful for my kids,and my family and friends.


  1. Happy Birthday Amber! You got the jump on me this morning. I hope you have a great day. By the's official at 8:55 AM.

  2. Thanks Mom! :) It sure was a great day!

  3. Happy Belated Birthday Amber! So what kind of cake did you get? Must have cake!

  4. Thanks Rowena! Had cake. It was a must. I chose a cheesecake topped with strawberries...mmm still trying to come to terms with the calories! :)

  5. Ciao ho appena scoperto il tuo blog, tanti auguri per il tuo compleanno, il mio e stato il 12 ottobre, stesso segno zodiacale.
    Complimenti per il tuo blog, ciao Daniela.

  6. Ciao Daniela! Grazie mille, e tanti auguri anche per il tuo compleanno!!! Spero che era un giorno pieno di gioia per te.
