Crema di Arachidi Tostate as fast as you can five times! No you won't win a prize but you might actually sound like you do have peanut butter in your mouth. One of the joys about moving to a foreign country with children is hearing them complain about missing some of the things from their past... and
sometimes being able to find that very thing here, in your new country! After months of hearing the boys wish for a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich, you should have seen the whooping and hollering with happiness that occured when we came home from the supermarket here in Torino with our very own jar of peanut butter! I am not sure if you can see from the photo but the label on this jar lists the ingredients in five different languages: English, French, Greek, Italian and I am guessing German. Recently I discovered an item that had me jumping for joy. Gina showed me where I could buy
cilantro! I am going to make some fresh spicey salsa. I really have been missing Mexican food. Grazie mille Gina!
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