Yesterday we started shopping for the boys' supplies and clothing. I was trying to convince them that shopping was fun, but I don't think I succeeded. The only time they really got excited was when they were picking out their diaries. We started yesterday by going to our local outdoor market. Unfortunately you never know in advance what will be there. Yesterday there were a lot of nice clothes, but nothing for boys Gabriel and Matthew's age. So we next went to Coop because we had already seen a nice selection of diaries there. The boys chose their diaries, and a few other supplies and we next went to Auchan. There we found some clothing. I wanted to keep shopping because we were no where near finished, but I started getting some comments like "I'm bored, I am tired, can I go sit down?" To make a long story short we only accomplished a little. Why don't boys like shopping?
I must make a quick mention about the diaries. This is one of the things that I am most impressed about with schools in Italy. Here a child has a diario, it is full of parental contact information, and each day the child must go to school with it. In this way there is daily communication about the child between parent and teacher if need be. Otherwise you simply sign your inital each school day, to signify that you have looked for a nota from the teacher. I love this simple and efficient way of communicating with the teachers. The children also record in their diary any homework they must do, and once again the parent must sign their name. It helps the parent know exactly what is expected of the child at school.
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