It looked so innocent... a white paper with the title:
Anno Scolastico 2006 -2007, Classi 3 B e 5 B, MATERIALE. Scholastic Year 2006 -2007, Classes 3 B and 5 B, Materials. Then at the bottom of the page:
IMPORTANTE: Tutto il materiale deve avere l’etichetta con il nome. Important all the material should have a label with the name. We received the list of school supplies the boys need this year. And so it began... We have gone to a cartoleria, a stationary supply store that carries the necessary school supplies, and several supermarkets over the last several days trying to find each of the items on the lists. It is Sunday afternoon as I am writing this, and we still haven’t gotten everything the boys need. So we plan to go again to another supermarket this evening in hopes that this one will have the last things on our list. Yesterday it was so crowded at Carrefour that we had to stand in line waiting to get to the cash register for about 40 minutes. I should have brought a book to read! This morning we tackled the mountain of school supplies that we already have, and attached a label to everything belonging to each boy. If this year is like last, the teachers will give us more lists a few more times in the next weeks. Now, all of this has to get to the school, and there is no way it can all fit at once in the boys' backpacks (not to mention that would be too heavy for them)... We may have to send them to school with large rolling suitcases. Ha!
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