I admit it. I am a softy! I love it when my baby falls asleep while holding my hand. Head on my shoulder with a fierce grip on my thumb- that's the way he likes it.
Edited to add:
Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
The baby has just done something so gross it defies logic. Something so gross that I may need therapy. Forget therapy for him,
I need it.
It involves an innocent wading pool.
It involves an innocent toddler.
And ultimately it involves re-hydrated doggy doo.
Trying not to gag very much here, I am going to focus on the above photo and remind myself how lovable and cute and sweet my baby is.
Ugh. Sigh.
Please tell me there are other mothers out there who have gross stories to tell and have lived to tell them...
besides my own mother who has the story of the baby who ate a green moth.