Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's All About the Nose

Good Dog Delta

She's got a good one. Snout. Olfactory Organ. Naso. Sniffer. Snoot. Schnoz. Muzzle. Proboscis. Take your pick. Whatever you want to call it, she's got a good one.

You know the way dogs sleep sometimes, on their back with paws in the air, head back and their lips kind of flapping along their canines while they breathe... in short, in a deep sleep? Well, she can be sleeping like that... and if I start to fry onions her perceptive nose knows it, and she comes running into the kitchen, and skids to a stop at my feet.

Never have I fried onions without her rapt attention. She loves them. I don't give them to her, but how the smell makes her salivate. She knows that when I cook onions some mysterious yummy meat thing will end up in her food bowl.

Good Dog Delta

We love her. She's a sweet good dog, with a whole lot of nose to kiss!


  1. Gorgeous nose and gorgeous doggy! Thank you for visiting my blog. I will be back to read yours again soon. :)

  2. @ Gail, I thought you would like it, now you need to post a close up of Drago's nose!

  3. @ Mo, Welcome, :) and thanks to you for visiting my blog.

  4. Our doxie Mister Bentley cracks me up with the way he sleeps -- on his back, legs in the air, head twisted off to the side with ears hanging over the edge of his doggie bed. As my husband likes to say:

    "Coglioni al vento!"

  5. Ha! That's hysterical Rowena! Belly laugh....I gotta catch my breath. Your Mister B is such a character, and super cute.
