Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Crema di Porri

Creamy Leek Soup

crema di porri
This soup is mild, with a hint of sweetness from the leeks. The creamy consistency makes it more palatable for children who don't like vegetables very much. Creaming soups is my secret weapon in the never-ending battle between mighty vitamins and minerals (the good guys) and empty carbs devoid of nutrition (the bad guys).

Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes


2 or 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

About six leeks

2 tbsp flour

One quart stock

2 cups of milk

parsley for garnish

parmesan for garnish

about a tsp of salt

Kitchen supplies you will need: A large cooking pot, a colander, cutting board and a sharp knife and a wooden spoon to stir with.

Begin with six leeks. Place one on the cuttingboard and cut off the root end, then cut about three inches above where the color on the leek changes from white to dark green. Discard the ends.


Slice the leeks lengthwise, turn the flat sides to cutting board and make about 1 inch slices.

Leeks tend to hold the soil between their layers and if cut in rings it can be difficult to clean. Slitting them lengthwise helps with this.

Once all your leeks are cut, you can begin washing them in the colander.

Place a large pot on stove, and add about 2 or 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.

pouring oil

Add your leeks, stir, then turn flame on medium high for about five minutes.


At this point, you can add about a teaspoon of salt.


And two tablespoons of flour.

Stir well,
then add the chicken stock. Stir well again.


Leave on medium flame for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Grate up some parmesan cheese you will use for garnish.


Finely chop the fresh parsley you will use for garnish.


* Optional: Let the baby play with some of the fresh parsley, and some flour, just for fun!

food play

After the soup has cooked for twenty minutes, you can turn it off and let it cool some, before adding two cups of milk.

*Optional: Pick up your sweet baby boy and offer him lots of cuddles for playing so nicely by himself while you were busy cooking.

Now the soup is cooked, you can put it in a blender to cream it or you can use an immersible blender, which I think is nicer because it is easier to clean.


After adding the milk and blending, heat soup again on medium flame for about five minutes.

It's ready to be served immediately.

crema di porri

Buon Appetito!

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