Thursday, November 22, 2007

Feeling thankful

This time of year I find myself reminded by the holiday "Thanksgiving" to examine my life and feel grateful for my blessings. In no apparent order they manifest themselves, and in quality and quantity I have to say, I am blessed.

Have you ever had a kitty cat climb on your tummy and begin to knead with its paws? I haven't held a cat in this way for years, but in the last week I have felt this sensation daily. While lying on my back I can feel my unborn son, moving to a rhythm of his own, in weight it feels like a cat on my tummy, he moves slow and strong, the kneading movements are within me. The first morning I felt this sensation I was half in a dream surrounded by purring and contentment sure that I held a cat. How strange to wake to silence, and instead of a cat, a belly full of baby. This baby, a new part of me, and someone whose face I have yet to see. What a blessing.

My mother is here now, as she has been by my side during my previous births. This is a blessing.

Gabriel with his chocolate brown eyes, and deep sweet soul, my firstborn son... my forever love. This is a blessing.

Matthew my baby, who knows he will always be my baby no matter how old he is, and no matter that there will be a new one soon. This is a blessing.

My grandmother who birthed ten children naturally; who set a great example in every way. This is a blessing.

Learning that with another child, love never is divided, but miraculously it multiplies... this is a blessing.

Cold wet doggy kisses in the mornings, the utterly undeserved adoration in her eyes, the wagging tail... this is a blessing.

New friends and old, the chance to share our souls and minds and hearts... this is a blessing.

Being loved, and loving in return... the greatest blessing.

Thank you God, for all the ways you bless me.


  1. Beautiful, grateful post. I take it your baby will be born very soon. Just remember that you have many friends out there in blog-land who are sending you lots of loving thoughts and well wishes. We will anxiously await pictures of the baby Luca.

  2. Ambra, I realized I wasn't logged in when I left my last comment. It was me, Jeni from The Passionate Palate! ;-)

  3. Thank you Jeni, I can't wait to tell you the wait is over!!! ciao :)
