Saturday, September 22, 2007


Blogging has been a good form of therapy for me as I have been settling into this new life in a new country. It has allowed me freedom to express some of the differences between life back home and life here, as well as the similarities, although of course it is the differences that are most striking. It has been a creative way to document the memories we are making here. Another facet of blogging that has been a wonderful surprise to me is the formation of new relationships with new people that otherwise I would never be able to know. It is always fun for me when someone new stops by and leaves a comment on my blog. Who are you, and where do you come from? I am filled with curiosity, and am always happy when I can trail someone back to their blog and learn about them. Sometimes inevitable friendships form. I just love my blogging buddies! So what does this ramble have to do with the next part of this post? You'll see!

It was late afternoon when buzzer for the gate sounded. "Chi รจ?" I asked. Who is it? "Signora there is a package for you." "Ok," I replied, "I'm coming." This time, the delivery man was friendly and cheerful and just a bit curious. "How do you pronounce your name Signora? Amberrrr?" "Yes," I replied, "although gli Italiani have an easier time saying Ambra." He smiled and agreed. "Where are you from?" he asked next. "I am from the U.S., from Oregon, it is the state above California" I gave my standard answer to help him orient Oregon. I think when most Italians think of the U.S., when they do at all, they are familiar with certain states they have seen from tv programs. They know New York, Florida, California and Nevada- for Las Vegas. Then he asked me what nearly everyone here asks me: "What is the nicer life, here in Italy or in the U.S.?" This is always such a tough one for me. I looked into his designer sunglasses, and said "Well, they are both equally nice, even if different." This is such a lame answer! I know it, and yet I cannot help myself. There are days that I still wonder what on earth I am doing here, and then there are other days when I am perfectly content here. It is too difficult to explain even to myself, let alone a stranger, and one who is making polite conversation with me.

During this conversation, as I was signing my name, I was trying to peer at the return address. Hmmm, it was from Italy. From a man I had never heard of. I quickly scanned the destination address and sure enough, it was addressed to me. I said "Buona giornata" to the delivery man and went back upstairs.

I was thinking: Hmmm this is from an Ale... M...whoa! A long name with extensive R trilling and double consonants. I kept repeating his name to myself to see if it would jolt a memory. Nope. Then I was thinking: What could I have ordered online? Oh yes, the last thing was the Hypnotherapy Birthing cds. But they came last week. Hmmm.  Strange. Who is this person and why did he send something to me? Filled with curiosity I opened the package. Ah, sweet! There were two adorable little baby boy outfits by Nike, and three beautiful books, in ENGLISH (joy! joy! joy!) for me and each boy. Wow! Then I opened a card and found that all this generosity came from my Blogging Buddy Liz, whom I have never met in real life yet, although I hope to soon. I am so touched. First because she thought of me, but especially that she thought of me during such a turbulent time in her own life. She had sent this care package to us in her man's suitcase when he made the 5,000 mile journey back to Italy, and then he had sent it to us. Mystery solved. Thank you so much Liz, baci!

So from 5,000 miles away my friend gave me a smile, a friend I would not ever have made except for blogging! Cheers to Blogging Buddies!

Here is Gabriel giving his stamp of approval for his baby-brother-to-be's new duds!


  1. Brava! I was wondering if he had gotten around to mailing your care package. I'm so happy that you like everything. I remembered reading somewhere on your blog that it was difficult to find books in English there and I just had to outfit your little bun-in-the-oven with Nike, headquartered right here in your native Oregon! Enjoy!! :)

  2. Awwwww, that is just too sweet! Your blogging buddy is so very thoughtful. Looks like the little guy will be "stylin'",...just like his bro. KUDO's to blogging friends!

  3. That's so cute, now he needs Nike trainers to complete his sporting outfit
