Tuesday, June 18, 2013


This boy was dancing for joy over a bouquet of bright and beautiful balloons.  He twirled them and kicked them,  and chanted some Italian song over and over while running with them streaming behind him, and he begged his big brothers for help when they floated out of his reach.

I loved seeing the unadulterated joy he had while he played with something so simple.


I feel a satisfaction with my first sip of coffee in the morning.  But that isn't as effervescent as my boy playing with balloons.

But like this balloon play, what do I get lost in, and what brings forth that bubbly excitement?

I have an idea what it is and I am going to chase it down!

What about you?  What are your balloons?


  1. That picture really captures his excitement and joy.

    Sometimes Pata's joy at the simplest things amazes me, and I wonder, what happens to us when as we grow, that makes it so hard for us to recapture that feeling? I suppose it's the loss of innocence, the responsibilities of being an adult, stress, things like that, but why does it have to be so hard for us to let all those things go?

    1. I really wish I knew why, Karen. I think it is the stress and maybe the responsibilities that come with being an adult that sucks the life right out. Nevertheless, I am making the choice to seek out the joys and to become more playful. :)
