Friday, March 13, 2009

I Love Gnocchi

sauce and gnocchi

Gnocchi. It's what's for dinner. Or lunch. Or at least it is the primo piatto (first course). I wanted to show you how very easy it is to whip up a bit of gnocchi. I also plan to show you how to make gnocchi (which is a kind of pasta) from scratch, completely home made- but that is for another day. Today our gnocchi comes from the refrigerated section of a supermarket. This is a particular brand that I have never tried before... let's see how it goes!

gnocchi in the package

Put some water on to boil and add a good amount of salt- gnocchi like all pasta tastes better if it is cooked in salted water.

add salt to the water

Add the gnocchi to the boiling water... now here is where I ask you to become adventurous! Trust me. No matter what the directions say, when the gnocchi float to the top- they are done. Remove promptly with a slotted spoon, and place in a serving dish.

just cooked

If you cook them longer, they become mushy gooshy and we want our darling gnocchi to be just right!

Now add a dash of extra virgin olive oil.

adding the olive oil

Stir, and then add the pasta sauce of your choice. It can be as simple as olive oil and a bit of grated cheese like pecorino or parmesan. Here I used a very simple tomato sauce.

simple tomato sauce


sauce and gnocchi

Now you can add freshly grated parmesan.

sauce, gnocchi and parmesan

As you can see, I believe in lots and lots of parmesan! And we're done! It is really that simple!

Buon appetito!


  1. How were they? I love gnocchi too. I almost always order them when we eat out. I rarely make gnocchi myself, so I do buy them in the supermarket now and then, but they're never as good.

  2. Gnocchi can be such tricky things to make, which is probably why I don't cook them as much. But...I've recently stumbled upon a ricotta gnocchi recipe that you don't cook in water but fry up in a pan! It was easy, and the results were surprisingly very good. Will post about it!

  3. Oh, I just bought some gnocchi yesterday! I can't wait to eat it!

  4. @ Rowena- Oh goody! I can't wait to read about your ricotta gnocchi!

    @ Jen- Buon Appetito, Enjoy!

  5. Yesterday at the store I saw some really yummy premade pkgs of gnocchi and your blog totally popped in my I thought of you yesterday!
