Saturday, October 27, 2007

Bad Dawg!

While my little one, not yet born, is resting in his watery coccoon, this drama was played out over 5,000 miles away.
Grandma and Grandpa were sitting in their easy chairs watching tv with the dog resting between them at their feet.
Suddenly Grandma heard a strange smacking and chewing sound. And this is what she saw:

"Hey big guy, what ya got there? Uh oh. Is that...?

Yes it is. The baby's slipper! Well, what is left of it anyway. Oh no!"

"Ummm... I have been a bad dawg? I'm sorry. You still love me, right?"

And that is the true story of how this baby lost his first pair of slippers to a dog, even before he was born!


  1. Very cute story and very beautiful dog...even if he is bad!

  2. Grazie Passionate!~
    My mom will be happy to read your compliment about her dog. He is her little baby, at 130 lbs!

  3. Aww, who couldn't forgive such a sweet face?

  4. I would like someone to solve the mystery of what is it between dogs and shoes! There must be an invisible bond right there :)

  5. I agree KC! I am sure he was forgiven immediately.

    roam2rome~ it is nearly as mysterious as the relationship between dogs and cats, or come to think of it, men and women.
