...or can you? From now on I'm going to try to avoid them until I learn how to control my blood pressure.
***Warning to my male readers*** this rant contains mention of things that may make you cringe or make your toenails curl, so you may just want to skip it.Tuesday I went to our assigned family doctor who must give prescriptions for visits to any other specialists, in order to request more prescriptions for my upcoming prenatal visits. At my last prenatal visit we had been asked by the midwife team at S. Anna to request a basic "Certificate of good health" from him. The doctor said that was an unusual request and asked M for clarification. M told him that the midwives needed it for their records. At this point the doctor became very openly critical of our chosen birth plan, and I felt the need to defend our well thought out plan that we are sure is the best for our family. Our professional caregivers at S. Anna have agreed and are managing my pregnancy and impending birth. I must say here that I already do not like our general/family doctor due to previous inept actions regarding my children’s health. I tried to keep my mouth shut and let M do the talking with him, but inside I was stewing. At this point the doctor took my blood pressure and I had my very first high blood pressure reading of my life. I am always below the norm of 120/80, but not after feeling emotional over this doctor’s criticisms. The Dr. then said he absolutely could not sign a certificate of good health for me, and that my husband in fact had to take me to the Sant’Anna emergency room. Now.
Within 20 minutes we were home and I re-took my blood pressure. It was down from 150/95 at the doctors office to 117/75. That was more like it! At my last prenatal visit my bp was 114/60.
We still went to the ER as requested, but they were closed. This was also the first time in my life I have ever seen a "closed" emergency room. Ha!
The next morning after waking my bp was 102/53. That surely isn’t dangerously high, but we went back to the ER as soon as they opened at 7am.
After arriving there and telling them that I needed to have my blood pressure checked and explaining that I felt it was an emotional reaction to the Dr. rather than a real medical issue, they took my bp. It was awful, just in re-telling how critical the Dr. was yesterday I could literally feel my heart pounding. They took my bp. It was 150/80. Damn.
They said they would keep me for the day and run tests. Next I went in for a consultation with a doctor. M and I gave my medical history, and showed him all of the records of the pregnancy thus far. Then I was instructed to go undress from waist down in the bathroom. I was angry. I had come there for high blood pressure, not a gynecological exam.
As I am sure all of my fellow female expats know, it is NOT customary here to be given a robe or a little cover or anything. Until now I have always dressed in a skirt which allows for a little privacy when I have these internal exams. But this time I was unprepared. I was going to have an exam and the doctor didn’t even tell me why.
Half nekkid, I re-entered the exam room with three strangers in it and climbed up onto the exam table. Unfortunately I cry more easily when I am angry than when I am sad or happy. So there I was on the table after doing the strip and spread ‘em, trying not to cry. I was snuffle-snorting and my breathing was shakey, and tears were still finding their way out. This was not one of my finer moments. Then I heard the doctor tell the nurse "Si, e’ incinta." Yes, she is pregnant. I became livid with anger. This genius had a glove and so he decided to do an internal exam just to verify that I was pregnant! Folks, this is not uncharted territory! We had already shown him all my prenatal records that have been taken up to this point. Then, I guess just because this doctor is a little "slow" he used a doppler to hear the baby’s heart beat. Yes, pregnant, for sure. Not even that sweet sound could bring me out of my funk.
Immediately after the exam he said the nurse could take my blood pressure. I glared at him and screeched sarcastically "Bravo! Now that my systolic pressure is surely above two hundred!" At the same time my husband was telling him "Absolutely not, she must be allowed to relax first." and the nurse was saying "Oh no, we must wait and give her some time." With as much dignity as an angry half naked pregnant woman can muster, I stalked back into the bathroom and picked up my clothes off the dirty floor as there had been no other place to leave them. Patients here really get no frills.
I glanced in the mirror and saw my angry eyes and then quite shockingly these bright red blotches that looked like a terrible rash all over my neck and chest. Really weird.
I showed the nurses, and they said that I was probably allergic to doctors. Boh. I don’t think I am allergic to all doctors, but certainly that one!
After that adventure they took my blood for various tests and asked me for a urine sample. I drank a liter of water, and said "You’ll have it within 5 minutes." After all, I am pregnant, and usually that is an extremely easy request to fulfill. Not this time. Twenty minutes later, I had a delayed reaction to that exam I felt I had no power to resist, and had tremors for a few minutes. I was shaking like I was cold, and my teeth were chattering. Finally that went away and I was able to go to the bathroom.
Next they sent us to the second floor for an ultrasound. That was the only pleasant part of the day.
Later they took my bp again and it was 130/80. Still too high. After a dismal lunch my test results came back and they sent me for a consultation with an internal medicine specialist. She said all my test results were normal and that she would sign the "Certificate of good health" needed. She also agreed with me that this high blood pressure was emotionally based rather than a physical problem. But she warned me that I needed to find a good way to relax because for the birth plan I have chosen the rules at S. Anna are stringent and they have a very narrow view of good health. She feels that I may be able to improve my bp by losing some weight and exercising. So she gave me a diet to follow that looks rather easy. I only need to make a few simple changes.
Next we had to see another doctor from the ER who reviewed all my records of the day. Finally I was free to go home after 2:30 pm.
What an exhausting day, and if you have read all this then you must be exhausted too, and I am impressed!