There is an allure to Venezia that draws me in... despite the crowds. Had I been a child growing up in her watery streets, I would have counted myself among the luckiest of kids. My youngest son and I spent this past weekend searching for the water nymphs that come to play at night, rising out of the water after the sun sets, finding clothes to cover them, and then joining the people wherever they revel. We also searched for lions with wings, angels and other fantastical creatures. We found them everywhere! Such magic...
While in Venice I can’t pay attention to my tired feet, or hungry tummy. I feel compelled to watch the way the light moves across the water and its' reflections shimmer on old brick and marble houses, churches and palaces. I walk and walk, falling into a stupor accented by an aching back and complaining feet right before sleep reaches out for me in the wee hours of the morning. Each street of Venice beckons me. I want to walk the lengths of them, turn every corner, see each courtyard... become intimately familiar with this city. I am sure that had I lived here as a child, I would have been (in my imagination) a pirate! I would have had my secret hide-out and planned escape routes. Venice would have given me rich historical adventures to draw upon and embellish for my games.
As an adult, I would love to see all of Venice. First and foremost to have the time, then a camera to capture images, a diary to record my thoughts and a sketch pad to release the creativity that I always feel while there. I have never felt this way about any other city. When I admire places, they are invariably settings in the country, except for Venice.
While in Venice I can’t pay attention to my tired feet, or hungry tummy. I feel compelled to watch the way the light moves across the water and its' reflections shimmer on old brick and marble houses, churches and palaces. I walk and walk, falling into a stupor accented by an aching back and complaining feet right before sleep reaches out for me in the wee hours of the morning. Each street of Venice beckons me. I want to walk the lengths of them, turn every corner, see each courtyard... become intimately familiar with this city. I am sure that had I lived here as a child, I would have been (in my imagination) a pirate! I would have had my secret hide-out and planned escape routes. Venice would have given me rich historical adventures to draw upon and embellish for my games.
As an adult, I would love to see all of Venice. First and foremost to have the time, then a camera to capture images, a diary to record my thoughts and a sketch pad to release the creativity that I always feel while there. I have never felt this way about any other city. When I admire places, they are invariably settings in the country, except for Venice.
Does anyone else feel so inspired by this city?
Me! Oh your description took me back to that magical place....ah, to go there again would be a dream. I only spent a day and a half there. Not near enough time to soak it all in. Maybe I will also post about it in the near future with some pics. So how did your friends enjoy it??!! You must tell us!
ReplyDeleteVenice is really my most favorite place in the world. I dont care how many times I visit, each time I am awed by it and discover new things. I swear the first time I went I was so moved I got teary. it is a wonderful place to me.