Q. List some Italian things that you like:
Gabe: "The kids in my class are so good in art.
I have found 2 true friends here.
Our dog Delta
Italian food, especially the torta salata made by my grandparents/nonni."
Matt: "Dad, our house, cani, torte, Puglia, fiori, scuola, Nutella, gelato, and pizza"
Q. Name your favorite gelato flavors:
Gabe: "Limone e Cioccolato"
Matt: "Cioccolato e Straciatella"
Q. What do you think is the most important thing you have learned here?
Gabe: "You can’t trust everybody." and "If you want anyone to listen to you in class you have to speak up above the other kids."
Matt: "To READ in Italian! And to speak it."
Q. What is the best part of school here?
Gabe: "Intervallo-break"
Matt: " My teachers!"
Q. What is the worst part of school here?
Gabe: "The class noise level is way to high to concentrate on work easily, but the worst is the lunch."
Matt: "Lunch!"
Q. What do you miss most about life in the US?
Gabe: "How everybody wants to be friends. And hot fudge sundaes!"
Matt: "I miss Spicey, Grandma and Grandpa’s dog."
Q. What is the best part of life here?
Gabe: "Spending time together as a family."
Matt: "Mamma."
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