My little one has entered his third year with the force of a hurricane. Sometimes as I stumble over little toys that cruelly poke my feet I look around my living room and wonder what the heck happened here.
He is an absolute joy, he is vivace, but I have started calling him a terremoto (earthquake) for his undeniable forceful presence. Sweet cuddles are rare. He would rather be running around the house roaring like a lion.
But every once in a while...
He slows down and looks around.
Slowly reaching a finger out to touch the piccolo bambino Gesu' (little baby Jesus) and exclaim "Baby!"
Next he cradles bambino Gesu' in his sturdy little hands and with tenderness kisses the little face.
I love these unexpected moments.
I wish you a very Merry Christmas filled with peace, joy and tender occasions that fill your soul with happy memories.