This past month has not been what I had hoped for, no, not even close. I had plans you see, plans of baking and crafting and all of the fun things that come with the holidays. I was completely unprepared for the rough onslaught of influenza we went through. Three boys. Each week a new boy would get sick. It was a low grade fever, severe sore throat, and lingering body aches kind of flu that made my boys need their mamma more than ever. Slowly they all recovered. I thought I wouldn't get it since it had been three weeks since I had first been exposed. Then, four days before Christmas, I succumbed to it. Christmas is a blur for me. I remember those days, propped up on the sofa, wishing I could swallow. We had planned to visit my folks up in Oregon. But we couldn't bring this sickness their way. So we stayed at home in Reno. I felt all kinds of mommy guilt for not making my family a nice Christmas dinner. They did eat, but what it was- I really have no idea.
So in light of this recent illness, I am really grateful now that I am recovering! I can swallow. I can breathe without difficulty at night. I don't have aches and pains. And
I can swallow, which I know doesn't really sound like a big deal- but there it is, I feel grateful!
If I have a new year's resolution, it is to not take my (ordinarily) good health for granted, and to strive this year to become more healthy.
I guess in a way, this could sum up my Christmas:
Our dog Delta was underwhelmed with becoming a reindeer, and the little elf? Well, he couldn't accept the white stuff, it was intolerable. Those two must have thought I had lost my marbles, because neither of them was feeling the sweet joy of a toddlers' first steps in the snow being captured for all eternity by his hopeful mamma who was trying to take a nice holiday photo to send to the grandparents. They weren't feeling the joy, nope. Not at all.
But I still like the photo! I think it is kind of funny that my baby is so offended by snow. Before bringing him outside for his first steps in the snow he had been watching the fat soft flakes descending with great curiosity. And our dog? The look on her face just makes me want to kiss her nose. Silly girl, she is still adorable even if she was momentarily a reindeer.
But just so
you know I am really back to being myself, let me show you the silver lining. Because there is always a silver lining to dark storm clouds, aren't there? As taught to me by my youngest wild thing of two years: snow may not be tolerable, but Christmas lights are magical!
So for those of you who sent us Christmas and New Year greetings, thank you! Although not reciprocated in a timely fashion, they were very appreciated. I wish each and every one of my readers, old friends and new, that this new year will make all your dreams come true!