If you're a mamma, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. If you haven't been a mamma yet, go ahead and give your flat little belly a tender caress. I'll wait. And if you're a mamma with tight abs due to thousands of crunches- I salute you!
It goes like this. I'll be innocently minding my own business, reading or catching up on e mails or some such innocuous activity. Then my baby will climb up on my lap. He'll start to laugh and giggle
even before he lifts my shirt. Luckily he only does this with me. Can you imagine what Grandma would say if he lifted her shirt? Or even worse, the kind lady stranger sitting next to us in the church pew? What would I say? Somehow I don't think "Pardon ma'am, the baby likes to tickle." would quite do it.
Remember when you were a kid and played with jell-o while singing "watch it wiggle, see it jiggle!?" Well that's my baby when he gets a hold of my belly fat.
They say dressing room mirrors can make you feel fat. I say, just try looking at your tummy while itty bitty baby hands are playing with your Special K inch. If that isn't diet inspiration, I don't know what is.
Sometimes he thinks he is tickling me and he laughs outrageously while gouging my bellybutton with his strong little fingers.
The only consolation is that after a tickle-fest, he will lovingly pat my tummy and with a sweet smile on his face he will say "
Niiiiice." My baby loves me, jiggle and all.
And then it is his turn, and I tickle his rock solid baby abs.